Article BY: Durr-e-Hira
of BS final year
Department of
women studies
Domestic violence
directed against women by their intimate partners (current or former spouses)
is an epidemic of global proportions that has divesting physical, emotional,
financial and social effects on women, children, family and the community (1).
According to the United
Nations : “Violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that
results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women,
including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty,
whether occurring in public or in private life”(2).
Violence against women
is a very big and serious issue increasing day by day. For example:
In a high profile case in January 2007
Karachi police arrested a national sporting hero, Moin Khan, a former captain
of Pakistan’s cricket team, after his wife complained of being beaten by him.
In Lahore, Shahina Imran describes her marriage as happy she
says that she remains busy all day with house hold chores, cooking for her husband and two children she does not see
herself as a victim of domestic violence that she says meted out to her by her
Ameena, a mother of two girls said that
her husband had splashed acid on her face and said her husband suspected her
having extra marital relations (3).
Pakistan laws regarding violence had been made to prevent or secure women who
are facing domestic violence but there is no implementation of these laws.
Women who face domestic violence usually don’t have family support to fight
their case in the court.
violence not only harms physical and mental health but also harm reproductive
health of women. In pregnancy intimate partner violence increases the risks of
miscarriages, still birth, preterm delivery. Health effects can also include
headaches, back pain, abdominal pain, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders,
limited mobility and poor overall health.
who grow up in families where there is violence may suffer a range of
behavioral and emotional disturbances these can also be associated with
perpetrating or experiencing violence later in life (4).
around violence against women should be broken, women should be encouraged to
speak about their experiences and to highlight the issue legal system of
protection and shelter homes should be established to protect women who are
either victims of domestic violence. To achieve lasting change it is important
to enact legislation and develop policies that address discrimination against
women, promote gender equality and also implementation of these laws.