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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

 By: M. Shahab Iqbal

What is Android?

Android is the world's most popular mobile platform. With Android you can use all the Google apps you know and love, plus there are more than 600,000 apps and games available on Google Play to keep you entertained, alongside millions of songs and books, and thousands of movies. Android devices are already smart, and will only get smarter, with new features you won't find on any other platform, letting you focus on what's important and putting you in control of your mobile experience.

Why And what are The reasons to show that Android is better than Iphone?

1. The Presence of And Additional Sd Card

Android devices tries their best to get atleast an inbuilt memory of 5Gb and also An additional SD card, though iphone has a better Inbuilt memory 64GB.

ok lets do this little arithmetic, I have four Sd cards of about 32GB each, all sum up to be about 128GB fairly the hard disk size of some laptops. i now loaded one of the card with Movies, The other one with Musics, The 3rd one with Records and the last One with Applications,

so, if i should wish to give someone some musics, i would probably give him one of my SD cards, Unlike the iphone that does not uses the sd card, they would'nt to let you take their phone along with them.

2. Android has a better Notification

Yeah,this is what i really appreciate from the android, a better notification, though the iphone 5 has this, but it can never be compared to that of android, because it does not have the feature of multitasking which am going to talk about in the next few post, and also it does one notifiacation at a time and also it does not pop out notification just like the android

Imagine when you turn on the display of your Android, you get an immediate-glance of the notifications which lets you know if you got a missed call, new message, new email or if someone is talking about you on social media. On iOS, you don't have an immediate-glance, you have to unlock the iPhone and swipe down from the top of the screen every time you want to see the notification

3. Android has better multi tasking

Multi tasking on Android is a real good feature that allows you to Run native apps, download app at thesame time without them coming on your screen.

4. Android Provides a BACK BUTTON

Right from onset, the android has a back button, even the G1 (first Android), but the iphone does not have a "back button" which is an annoying feature, imagine when you run on a new app, you must now look for where the back button of the app is located right on the app for you to go back gosh..

Another example is when you are reading an email from an Email app and you clicked on a link in the email, it opens up safari, to go back to the Email app, you will need to first go to the homescreen by pressing the home button and launching the Email app again, although Apple said it's fixed in iOS 4, but its doesn't look original.

5. Android lets you Replace your battery, but iphone dont.

As people would say that the battery is the head of the phone and when its off the phone is useless, now that iphone doesnt appreciate the fact that your battery should be changed, what if you now had a bad one does that means that all your file are gone? yeah i guess so cos the battery is already inbuilt and no means wat so ever to get a changed one.
6. Android Has A Wide Range Of Devices To Choose From

You can easily make choices from a very wide variety of Android phones with better specs

7. You can easily Set Apps to default On android

Setting apps to launch by default from certain actions is a piece of cake on Android, an example is setting your default web browser to Opera or Dolphin browser when a browser action is initiated. But on iphones, you will need to launch the app manually because the default web browser safari cannot be changed from default even when the iPhone is jailbroken

8. Installations of custom Roms

Android has a community dedicated to the development of custom roms, not only does custom roms brings the same functionality as jailbreaking does, but adds an advanced level of customization to the device. Some custom ROMs build up additional features for your phone while others strip down bulky feature and optimize for speed.

9. Iphone syncing is difficult and horrible

I would really explain better in my next post on "8 reasons why you must not buy an iphone" .

syncingin iphone is the only way to copy the few supported files, on android this can be effectively done by simply mounting and drag whatever files you want to copy into your phone's SD Card  

10. Google and Social Integration Is Better On Android

These days the web has replaced most of our daily activities such as Facebook and Twitter for our social lives, Google docs for our documents, Flickr for our photos, Email for our messages. On android these features has been integrated natively, photos taken with your android phone can automatically be uploaded to your Flickr or Google plus account, automatic delivery of Emails as soon as they arrive, instant notifications of happenings on Facebook and Twitter that concerns you, your phone can also sync your Facebook friends to your phone contact with their profile pics, phone number and email addresses.

iPhone can also do these with the help of third party apps but the experience is nothing near that of Android. On Android nothing is out of reach!

The difference between Apple store And Google Play Store

I completely agree that the Apple app store has over 600,000 apps while the Google play store recently hit 600,000 apps catching up with the Apple app store pretty fast. In the Google play store, you get way more free apps for your Android device than you get for your iPhone in the Apple App store. Even, every edition of the Angry bird game is sold for $0.99 each in the apple app store, something you get for free in the Google play store.

Android is Popular

This is one fact i wouldnt want us to forget in a hurry, do you know that the android is popular than the iphone? i know my apple dudes would have answered it a "yes" so thats it.
Do Virtually everything faster with android widgets.

On Android you have a homescreen where you can put widgets, most of these widgets help you to get things done faster on your Android. An example is the power widgets that allows you to quickly toggle on / off your Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, Automatic brightness, Mobile data, Airplane mode, etc. you could easily tap on the icon to switch it on or off instead of going into your phone's settings. On iPhone, you dont have a homescreen to place widgets, it doesn't have widgets though, the iPhone's default screen is the application drawer

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Research on Menstrual Cycle

By : Tayba Khalid
Bs Student of Center Of excellence for Women's Studies
Karachi University

The terms "menstruation" and "menses" are derived from the Latin mensis (month), which in turn relates to the Greek mene (moon) and to the roots of the English words month and moon. When periods (menstruations) come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle. Having regular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body are working normally. The menstrual cycle provides important body chemicals, called hormones, to keep you healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens. The rise and fall of levels of hormones during the month control the menstrual cycle.
Women can have a range of problems with their periods, including pain, heavy bleeding, and skipped periods.

a.Amenorrhea (ay-men-uh-REE-uh) the lack of a menstrual period. This term is used to describe the absence of a period in:
Ø  Young women who haven't started menstruating by age 15
Ø  Women and girls who haven't had a period for 90 days, even if they haven't been menstruating for long
Causes can include:
Ø  Pregnancy
Ø  Breastfeeding
Ø  Extreme weight loss
Ø  Eating disorders
Ø  Excessive exercising
Ø  Stress
Ø  Serious medical conditions in need of treatment
As above, when your menstrual cycles come regularly, this means that important parts of your body are working normally. In some cases, not having menstrual periods can mean that your ovaries have stopped producing normal amounts of estrogen. Missing these hormones can have important effects on your overall health. Hormonal problems, such as those caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or serious problems with thereproductive organs, may be involved. It’s important to talk to a doctor if you have this problem.
b.Dysmenorrhea (dis-men-uh-REE-uh) painful periods, including severe cramps. Menstrual cramps in teens are caused by too much of a chemical called prostaglandin (pros-tuh-GLAN-duhn). Most teens with dysmenorrhea do not have a serious disease, even though the cramps can be severe. In older women, the pain is sometimes caused by a disease or condition such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. For some women, using a heating pad or taking a warm bath helps ease their cramps. Some over-the-counter pain medicines can also help with these symptoms. They include:
Ø  Ibuprofen (eye-byu-PROH-fuhn) (for instance, Advil, Motrin, Midol Cramp)
Ø  Ketoprofen (key-toh-PROH-fuhn) (for instance, Orudis KT)
Ø  Naproxen (nuh-PROK-suhn) (for instance, Aleve)
If these medicines don’t relieve your pain or the pain interferes with work or school, you should see a doctor. Treatment depends on what’s causing the problem and how severe it is.
c.Abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal bleeding that’s different from normal menstrual periods. It includes:
Ø  Bleeding between periods
Ø  Bleeding after sex
Ø  Spotting anytime in the menstrual cycle
Ø  Bleeding heavier or for more days than normal
Ø  Bleeding after menopause 
See your doctor about your period if:
  • You have not started menstruating by the age of 15.
  • You have not started menstruating within 3 years after breast growth began, or if breasts haven't started to grow by age 13.
  • Your period suddenly stops for more than 90 days.
  • Your periods become very irregular after having had regular, monthly cycles.
  • Your period occurs more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days.
  • You are bleeding for more than 7 days.
  • You are bleeding more heavily than usual or using more than 1 pad or tampon every 1 to 2 hours.
  • You bleed between periods.
  • You have severe pain during your period.
  • You suddenly get a fever and feel sick after using tampons.

The First Physical Signs of Puberty, There are certain physical signs that indicate the beginning of puberty in a young girl's body. It is important to note that every girl physically develops at her own pace, and there is nothing you or she can do to slow it down or speed it up. Instead, reassure her that there nothing abnormal or scary about becoming sexually mature or being the first or last in her group of friends to experience these changes.

Puberty between 8-11 years, Your daughter's hormone production begins, and ovaries are growing. There is no physical outward sign of this.

Puberty between 8-14 years, The first visible puberty sign for girls is usually the start of breast growth. Her body will be growing, often in spurts, and getting a curvier shape.  At the same time, pubic hair appears, but it will be fine and straight in this early stage of puberty  not dense and curly.

Puberty between 9-15 years, Her breasts continue to get bigger, and your daughter will gain more height and weight and her figure will become more 'womanly'. The hair in the pubic region slowly darkens and becomes coarser. Also at this stage, your daughter's vagina will be growing internally and may begin to produce a clear or white discharge, which is a part of its in-built cleaning process. Her period may begin at this stage of puberty.

Puberty between 10-16 years. Ovulation may begin in your daughter (thought not regularly at this stage, and her period usually begins. Pubic hair begins to grow into the more adult 'triangle' shape, and underarm hair usually appears. The skin on the face will produce more oil, which can result in acne. Sweat glands also become more active, meaning washing daily is a must and she will need to start wearing deodorant.

Puberty between 12-19 year, The final stage of puberty heralds your daughter as an adult. Breasts are usually as big as they will ever be, her height will be that of her adult life, and her pubic hair will be fully grown. Periods are regular, and ovulation occurs each month.

The emotional signs of puberty, Puberty isn't just about the physical changes. There are also a range of emotions your pubescent daughter has to deal with as her body changes.

  • Interest in boys, and relationships, and romantic feelings (which can be a touch confusing at first).
  • Stress over body changes. She may be the first or last in her group of her friends to hit puberty and that may make her anxious.
  • Excitement that her body is changing and that she is on the cusp of womanhood.
  • Concern about new independence, including growing apart from her parents and leaving her childhood behind.

Delayed and early puberty in girls

Puberty is considered early (known by specialists as 'precocious') when physical signs begin to appear at the age of seven or eight. Though this can be a variation of normal puberty in girls and is definitely influenced by genes amongst other factors - you may want to check with your doctor if it happens before this age, as there can be medical causes for early puberty.
Delayed puberty may be occurring in girls who have no breast tissue growth by 14 years of age, or haven't started their periods for over five years after their breasts begin to grow. Delayed puberty can be caused by medical reasons, but there are also other factors that can affect it such as low body weight or malnutrition.

Weight and puberty

Studies have linked obesity in young girls to early puberty. It can also be seen as an indicator of future health issues, so if you feel your daughter's weight is linked to the onset of her puberty, do consult your doctor. On the flip side, excessive exercise may slow puberty in females, as it burns energy the body needs to fuel the physical body changes of puberty.24
Facts and Figures according to menstruation is amazing part of a woman's body function. Here are some facts and figures:
a.While it may seem like a lot of blood is lost, the average cycle only produces between 10-85ml, which is around three tablespoons. 
b.Day 1 of your menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding. 
c.The average cycle is 28 days, but may be longer or shorter depending on the individual (anywhere from 21-35 days is considered normal). 
d.On average a girl will start menstruation at age 13 (called menarche) and will continue until she's around 51 (called menopause). 
e.In the mid-1800s the average age for a girl to start her period was 16 or 17. Better nutrition has contributed to the significant decline in the age for menarche. 
f.The colour of blood loss can vary from dark brown to bright red, depending on how old the blood is and how oxygen has affected it. 
g.In years gone by, girls were told they could not swim, have a bath or wash their hair while they had their period. This is most certainly a myth, it's important to have good hygiene at all times, especially when you have your period. You can swim, you will just need to use a tampon. 
h.While many woman suffer from period pain, not all will. If your period is heavier you are more likely to suffer monthly pain.
i.Some nicknames for your period include: Aunty Flo, the monthly, on the rags, 'the time of the month', crimson tide, under repairs, crimson tide, the curse and a whole host of weird and silly things. 
j.Some women who live together or spend a great deal of time together discover their cycles become in sync. 
k.The blood you lose while on the contraceptive pill is not considered to be a 'real' period. It is also possible not to have a monthly blood loss while you're on the pill. 
l.While a menstrual cycle may have hereditary factors, a daughter's cycle can be quite different to her mother's.
In the light of Islamic perspective, it is understandable why these types of feelings may develop, especially if one is not familiar with Islam’s position on menstruation. Islam does not consider menstruation to be a punishment towards women, and it would be a grave error to compare this great religion to other faiths who do view menstruation in this horrible, derogatory manner. Islam’s perspective is that menstruation is normal and it is natural.
Additionally, a menstruating woman is not dirty, but rather from a legal perspective, she is ritually impure for the duration that she is menstruating. This has legal consequences and not spiritual consequences. As such, she is instructed by Allah to stop certain forms of worship, and every second that she obeys these commands, it is worship if done for Allah’s sake.
Allah says in the Quran,
“And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he crieth unto Me. So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright.” [al-Baqara: 186]
“it is a healthy blood. Indeed, menstruation has a natural, physical connection with a woman’s body to enable pregnancy. Allah is most exalted in His wisdom. He made menstruation a means for pregnancy….Verily, the uterus is preparing itself to welcome (the ability for) pregnancy with this blood and whenever pregnancy does not occur, this blood exits from the uterus to the vagina”  [Fathi Ahmad Safi; Ahkam al-Hayd wa al-Nifas]
The Mother of the Believers Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) said,
“We left with the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) for the pilgrimage. When we were in Sarif (a place close to Makkah) I began to menstruate. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) approached me and I was crying. He said, ‘Did you get your period?’ I said, ‘Yes’ He said, ‘Verily this is a matter Allah has written upon the girls of Prophet Adam (Allah bless him). Do all the actions of the pilgrimage except the tawaf.” [Bukhari]
The Mother of the Believers Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) said,
“The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) would recline on my lap while I was menstruating and he would read the Quran.” [Bukhari]
She also said in another narration,
“I would drink while menstruating, then pass the vessel to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). He would place his mouth on the (same) place as my mouth and drink….” [Muslim]
Thus, menstruation is a prime time to establish good habits and demonstrate the strength of one’s faith to one’s Creator. The following are a few suggestions.
A menstruating woman can:
1) Listen to the Quran, ponder about its meanings, and cry.
2) Buy a supplication book and make constant dhikr.
3) Send blessings on our beloved Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
4) Spend time with her family and loved ones for the sake of Allah.
5) Attend religious lectures and classes.
6) Read about the righteous and pray to be of them.
7) Supplicate for whatever she wishes.
8 ) Beg for forgiveness and the pardon of her sins.
9) Get involved in her local community and help others.
10) Reflect about her life and thank Allah for all her blessings.
The menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next, isn't the same for every woman. Menstrual flow might occur every 21 to 35 days and last two to seven days. For the first few years after menstruation begins, long cycles are common. However, menstrual cycles tend to shorten and become more regular as you age. The menstrual cycle occurs so that the uterine wall and the unfertilized egg can be disposed of.
Well basicly all it is, is the release of eggs menstrual cycle and menstruation might seem a bit mysterious. In reality it is actually pretty complex but very interesting. Menstruation is the outward proof that a girl is becoming a woman. Having a period means your body is functioning well and properly. Menstrual cycle is a proof of fertility. The symptoms of a period, such as cramps, bloating, irritability, etc. without the body actually following through with an actual menstrual cycle could indicate a few things. "Missing" periods have several different causes - age, homone levels, stress, malnutrition, menopause, eating disorders, medication, or it could be an early sign of pregnancy. Some diseases and illnesses can also cause irregular menstrual cycles, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), ovarian cysts, Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), ectopic pregnancy, etc. There have also been cases, rarely, of women born without a vaginal tract who experience the symptoms of their menstrual cycles but have no actual cycle as it has no tract in which to travel in. Most irregular menstrual cycles usually work themselves out, or are treated with the contraceptive pills.
The majority of women do not experience menstrual-related exacerbation of disease, although for some women there is an increased vulnerability. Obstetrician-gynecologists are in unique positions to screen for the presence of mental health issues in potentially at-risk patients. Mental health issues may be difficult to identify; however, certain factors are associated with an elevated risk. Identification of pregnant women with previous psychiatric illness early in pregnancy is essential to preventing postpartum hospitalizations for psychosis and bipolar disease. Throughout the reproductive lifespan, routine screening and assessment for the presence of common psychiatric disorders are critical for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Consultation with or referral to a mental health specialist may be necessary and should be assessed for each individual case. Treatment options for PMDD and perimenopausal depression include pharmacotherapy with antidepressant agents, and psychotherapy.If you do not have your menstrual cycle you might be pregnant, under a lot of stress, or not have enough body fat.
i.Take a bath or shower at least once a day.
ii.Use clean undergarments and change them regularly.
iii.Change pads or tampons regularly.
iv.Wash the genital area with plain water (no soap) after each use of toilet and even after urination.
v.Keep the area between the legs dry, otherwise you may experience chafing.
viIt is very important to remember that vagina has its own self cleaning mechanism and an external cleaning agent like deodorant or soap should not be used inside it.

Research On Teenage Psychological Problems

Writer:  Saira Rao

Scientific discipline that studies mental processes and behavior in humans and other animals. Literally meaning “the study of the mind,” psychology focuses on both individual and group behavior. Clinical psychology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Other specialized fields of psychology include child psychology, educational psychology, sports psychology, social psychology, and comparative psychology. The issues studied by psychologists cover a wide spectrum, including learning, cognition, intelligence, motivation, emotion, perception, personality, and the extent to which individual differences are shaped by genetics or environment. The methods used in psychological research include observation, interviews, psychological testing, laboratory experimentation, and statistical analysis(1).
Teens  are undergoing dramatic changes. In addition to the biological changes of puberty, they experience cognitive changes that allow them to think more abstractly. They become increasingly focused on friends. And as they seek greater independence, they often come into conflict with parents. Most get through adolescence with few problems, establishing identities and preparing for adulthood. Some, however, experience problems that lead to dropping out of school, drug use or crime. Teen suicide affects many teens. The number of teen suicide has tripled since the 1950’s .It is the third leading cause of death for young people and the second leading death among high school and college students Suicide is increasing; many teens feel hopeless about the future therefore they take their lives away. A teen with who has depression or some other mental illness.
Teenage depression isn’t just bad moods and the occasional melancholy—it’s a serious problem that impacts every aspect of a teen’s life. Teen depression can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, self-loathing and self-mutilation, pregnancy, violence, and even suicide. But as a concerned parent, teacher, or friend, there are many ways you can help. Talking about the problem and offering support can go a long way toward getting your teenager back on track.

Signs and symptoms of depression in teens
  • Sadness or hopelessness
  • Irritability, anger, or hostility
  • Tearfulness or frequent crying
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide


Effects of teen depression

The negative effects of teenage depression go far beyond a melancholy mood. Many rebellious and unhealthy behaviors or attitudes in teenagers are actually indications of depression. The following are some the ways in which teens “act out” or “act in” in an attempt to cope with their emotional pain:
  • Problems at school. Depression can cause low energy and concentration difficulties. At school, this may lead to poor attendance, a drop in grades, or frustration with schoolwork in a formerly good student.
  • Running away. Many depressed teens run away from home or talk about running away. Such attempts are usually a cry for help.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse. Teens may use alcohol or drugs in an attempt to “self-medicate” their depression. Unfortunately, substance abuse only makes things worse.
  • Low self-esteem. Depression can trigger and intensify feelings of ugliness, shame, failure, and unworthiness.
  • Internet addiction. Teens may go online to escape their problems, but excessive computer use only increases their isolation, making them more depressed.
  • Reckless behavior. Depressed teens may engage in dangerous or high-risk behaviors, such as reckless driving, out-of-control drinking, and unsafe sex.
  • Violence. Some depressed teens—usually boys who are the victims of bullying—become violent. As in the case of the Columbine and Newtown school massacres, self-hatred and a wish to die can erupt into violence and homicidal rage.

As the depressed teenager in your life goes through treatment, the most important thing you can do is to let him or her know that you’re there to listen and offer support. Now more than ever, your teenager needs to know that he or she is valued, accepted, and cared for.

  • Be understanding. Living with a depressed teenager can be difficult and draining. At times, you may experience exhaustion, rejection, despair, aggravation, or any other number of negative emotions. During this trying time, it’s important to remember that your child is not being difficult on purpose. Your teen is suffering, so do your best to be patient and understanding.
  • Encourage physical activity. Encourage your teenager to stay active. Exercise can go a long way toward relieving the symptoms of depression, so find ways to incorporate it into your teenager’s day. Something as simple as walking the dog or going on a bike ride can be beneficial.
  • Encourage social activity. Isolation only makes depression worse, so encourage your teenager to see friends and praise efforts to socialize. Offer to take your teen out with friends or suggest social activities that might be of interest, such as sports, after-school clubs, or an art class.
  • Stay involved in treatment. Make sure your teenager is following all treatment instructions and going to therapy. It’s especially important that your child takes any prescribed medication as instructed. Track changes in your teen’s condition, and call the doctor if depression symptoms seem to be getting worse.
  • Learn about depression. Just like you would if your child had a disease you knew very little about, read up on depression so that you can be your own “expert.” The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to help your depressed teen. Encourage your teenager to learn more about depression as well. Reading up on his or her condition can help a depressed teen realize that he or she is not alone, giving your child a better understanding of what he or she is going through.
The road to your depressed teenager’s recovery may be bumpy, so be patient. Rejoice in small victories and prepare for the occasional setback. Most importantly, don’t judge yourself or compare your family to others. As long as you’re doing your best to get your teen the necessary help, you’re doing your job.

According to My Research Mostly teens faces

·         Depression
·         Frustration
·         Anger
·         Violent behavior
·         Sensitive
·         Less confident
·         And need attention
·         Slapping disorder
·         Hyper
·         Forgot things, name, words while conversation

While other responds they are

·         Soft
·         Calm
·         Confident
·         Good in judgment
·         Honest with relations
·         Don’t care about tease and criticize


Encouraging a depressed teen to open up

If suspect that a teenager is suffering from depression, speak up right away. Even if unsure that depression is the issue, the troublesome behaviors and emotions you’re seeing in your teenager are signs of a problem.
Whether or not that problem turns out to be depression, it still needs to be addressed the sooner the better. In a loving and non-judgmental way, share your concerns with your teenager. Let him or her know what specific signs of depression you’ve noticed and why they worry you. Then encourage your child to share what he or she is going through.
Your teen may be reluctant to open up; he or she may be ashamed, afraid of being misunderstood. Alternatively, depressed teens may simply have a hard time expressing what they’re feeling.
If your teen claims nothing is wrong but has no explanation for what is causing the depressed behavior, you should trust your instincts. Remember that denial is a strong emotion. Furthermore, teenagers may not believe that what they’re experiencing is the result of depression.
Depression is very damaging when left untreated, so don’t wait and hope that the symptoms will go away. If you see depression’s warning signs, seek professional help.
Make an immediate appointment for your teen to see the family physician for a depression screening. Be prepared to give your doctor specific information about your teen’s depression symptoms, including how long they’ve been present, how much they’re affecting your child’s daily life, and any patterns you’ve noticed. The doctor should also be told about any close relatives who have ever been diagnosed with depression or other mental health disorders. As part of the depression screening, the doctor will give your teenager a complete physical exam and take blood samples to check for medical causes of your child’s symptoms.
As the depressed teenager in your life goes through treatment, the most important thing you can do is to let him or her know that you’re there to listen and offer support. Now more than ever, your teenager needs to know that he or she is valued, accepted, and cared for.

  • Be understanding. Living with a depressed teenager can be difficult and draining. At times, you may experience exhaustion, rejection, despair, aggravation, or any other number of negative emotions. During this trying time, it’s important to remember that your child is not being difficult on purpose. Your teen is suffering, so do your best to be patient and understanding.
  • Encourage physical activity. Encourage your teenager to stay active. Exercise can go a long way toward relieving the symptoms of depression, so find ways to incorporate it into your teenager’s day. Something as simple as walking the dog or going on a bike ride can be beneficial.
  • Encourage social activity. Isolation only makes depression worse, so encourage your teenager to see friends and praise efforts to socialize. Offer to take your teen out with friends or suggest social activities that might be of interest, such as sports, after-school clubs, or an art class.
  • Stay involved in treatment. Make sure your teenager is following all treatment instructions and going to therapy. It’s especially important that your child takes any prescribed medication as instructed. Track changes in your teen’s condition, and call the doctor if depression symptoms seem to be getting worse.
  • Learn about depression. Just like you would if your child had a disease you knew very little about, read up on depression so that you can be your own “expert.” The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to help your depressed teen. Encourage your teenager to learn more about depression as well. Reading up on his or her condition can help a depressed teen realize that he or she is not alone, giving your child a better understanding of what he or she is going through.
The road to your depressed teenager’s recovery may be bumpy, so be patient. Rejoice in small victories and prepare for the occasional setback. Most importantly, don’t judge yourself or compare your family to others. As long as you’re doing your best to get your teen the necessary help, you’re doing your job.

Taking care of the whole family when one child is depressed

As a parent dealing with teen depression, you may find yourself focusing all your energy and attention on your depressed child. Meanwhile, you may be neglecting your own needs and the needs of other family members. While helping your depressed child should be a top priority, it’s important to keep your whole family strong and healthy during this difficult time.
  • Take care of yourself – In order to help a depressed teen, you need to stay healthy and positive yourself, so don’t ignore your own needs. The stress of the situation can affect your own moods and emotions, so cultivate your well–being by eating right, getting enough sleep, and making time for things you enjoy.
  • Reach out for support – Get the emotional support you need. Reach out to friends, join a support group, or see a therapist of your own. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, helpless, or angry. The important thing is to talk about how your teen’s depression is affecting you, rather than bottling up your emotions.
  • Be open with the family – Don’t tiptoe around the issue of teen depression in an attempt to “protect” the other children. Kids know when something is wrong. When left in the dark, their imaginations will often jump to far worse conclusions. Be open about what is going on and invite your children to ask questions and share their feelings.
  • Remember the siblings – Depression in one child can cause stress or anxiety in other family members, so make sure “healthy” children are not ignored. Siblings may need special individual attention or professional help of their own to handle their feelings about the situation.
  • Avoid the blame game – It can be easy to blame yourself or another family member for your teen’s depression, but it only adds to an already stressful situation. Furthermore, depression is normally caused by a number of factors, so it’s unlikely—except in the case of abuse or neglect—that any loved one is “responsible.”

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